Saturday, February 5, 2011

January 31, 2011 - Second day of class - Stereotypes

I really do need to speak up more and state my opinions. I wanted to back up a classmate when he was arguing that attraction is also natural. He was saying that people are naturally attracted to certain attributes that people may have such as light eyes and hair. Its not just the media that influences or tells people what to be attracted to. After he stated his opinion no one really agreed with him or they said that it was the media that tells what we are attracted to. He gave me a look as if i was leaving him hanging out there when people were disagreeing with him. It made me laugh because I always felt that people have a weird connection with one another sometimes with thoughts and ideas rather than spoken words. My defense to backup his idea relied on the theory of nature vs nurture. Although media does have an effect on who or what we are attracted to we still have are own opinions and attractions that we are naturally born with. Media definitely does play a large role in nurturing us but we all have our own nature. I am and have been always been attracted to someone with darker features, but light eyes are always a plus :)

After watching the film 'Racial Stereotypes in the Media' I think media stereotyping has progressed a little, but for the most part it has stayed the same. It's not as clearly racial as it use to be but displayed more as an underlying message or covered up by humor. Laughing has always been an aid or encouragement to an action, weather it be negative or positive. If it makes someone laugh then it must be good in some way or another. I caught myself laughing at some really bad stereotyping on TV but followed by me saying "thats fucked up." Stereotyping can be funny, but is it right? We all stereotype each other. It's a way to identify someone. We shouldn't judge a book by its cover but do we really have the time to get to know everyone we see? In this manner, stereotyping is like a cliff note in the worst way.

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