Monday, March 7, 2011

February 21, 2011 - Killing us Softly

I was surprised at how the media reflects women having kind of a lower social class then men. Sometimes even treated as an object. Back when this film came out women were seen deferentially as they are now today. Its sad to think this is still around but it has turned into an evolved form. Almost more severe then it use to be. In order for us to move passed this and work together more efficiently as a society we all need to be aware of the media brain washing on young women or they will continue to be seen as objects.

However, there is balance in this society between real women and the ones being seen as objects. I simply think some women choses to or rather be seen as objects. This isn't just media playing a role in influencing young girls to portray them selves as something fake or objective. But as a society we should learn that not all women are this way. Some women like to be independent and have a strong mind and hold a level of respect in society. Some women have brains and some don't and some have both so they take their rolls and we should respect them as a human being rather than gender. The media's portrayal of women also effect boys and men in the way that this is how women should be seen. But there are going to be boys and men that look past the media and not portray women as the media does. Not all men are pigs. There is balance in society with the different sub classes in gender and the roles that people take. If there were nothing but feminist or Barbie doll mentality women running around then this world would be in complete chaos. The media takes advantage of order and balance and makes a profit off of it.

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